The list of healthy/safe oils:⠀
☑Algae Oil ⠀
☑Olive Oil⠀
☑Coconut Oil⠀
☑Macadamia Oil⠀
☑MCT Oil⠀
☑Avocado Oil⠀
☑Perilla Oil⠀
☑Walnut Oil⠀
☑Red Palm Oil⠀
☑Rice Bran Oil⠀
☑Sesame Oil⠀
☑Flavored Cod Liver Oil⠀
There is a lot of canola oil and sunflower seeds oil in a lot of products sold in supermarkets which are not advised by the plant paradox book. Source: plant paradox.⠀
Avocado oil is best for high heat cooking. Do not overheat olive oil, use for salads etc.⠀
#plantparadox #plantparadoxcompatible #AlgaeOil #OliveOil #CoconutOil #MacadamiaOil #MCTOil #AvocadoOil #PerillaOil #WalnutOil #RedPalmOil #RiceBranOil #SesameOil #FlavoredCodLiverOil
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