About Contents Of The Blog – The Fun Part

This blog and social media profiles will bring recipes and short and digestible excerpts of information and motivational quotes. Also, you will find information on fermented drinks like wines. You will find also those relaxing food images that you scroll by as you are looking at your Instagram explorer. Just relaxing images.

This blog is from people with interest in reading about food just as consumers (as most of you visiting this blog) not as scientists.

The Serious Part

Nowadays it is hard for a normal person/consumer to get access to some good and reliable information about healthy food and the processes the food goes before coming to consumers. It takes a lot of reading and playing detective as one is reading through a book about nutrition and the claims it is making. It involves going online and checking info with third sources supposedly independent.

Most of literature and sponsored studies come from funding from the industries related to a certain product or niche (i.e. soy production or sugar etc.). The findings of those studies are dubious at least. The methodology they choose surprisingly yields results benefiting their industry (i.e. more refined sugars in diet is good etc.). As I have been reading books of all kinds of diets and trying to see how they interpreted, dismissed or approved previous studies, I see that the best approach is that of being precocious.

A good analogy I like to use is that of climate change where also a lot of interests are involved and a lot of very contradicting positions on the matter. The solution for how to orient human action toward that issue (those who “believe” in climate change will ask to direct human economic activity towards greener activities and those who “do not believe” in climate change want to make no change at all in human course of action and their activities), is to stop framing the issue into “believers” and “non-believers”. That is not smart to say to the least. The solution is to be precocious. If there is even a 0,001% chance of human activity to disrupt the working of the ecosystem in Earth, then slowly (or maybe not so slowly) human action should turn towards activities that are greener and with less impact. So, need here to “find the ultimate truth” if “the climate change exists or not”. We can be precocious.

Different sectors and niches of food industry and individuals spreading information on food (with money making goals associated with it) claim that almost all food we eat has some bad effects on our bodies. Then studies that try to get a more complex and comprehensive picture, including genetics, the daily regime of people etc. come to conclusions that explain more systematically what happens in the body. By reading all the books with at times conflicting conclusions, one can start to see and spot the most convincing studies and most importantly which are those foods that rarely have been attacked by books and those that are attacked by all books. So you come up with a map of how to be precocious with food, to exclude those that are most probably damaging (many times quantity makes them damaging).

In the end, as one tries different diets, what you feel yourself in your body is what gives the necessary feedback you need. Anyway, that is also tricky at times as many food components like lectins seem to be “slow-and-for-many-unnoticeable-killers” but still you do feel the difference once you get rid of them in your diet. Or when you change the flora in your gut as you change the diet, you notice the difference for sure.

Disclaimer: the information in this website and its social platforms do not claim to or constitute medical advice or nutritionist advice. What you will find here is only for information and inspirational purpose. Hopefully you will get motivated with new goals and discuss those goals with health professionals to help you achieve them.